Clubs & Fellowship Halls

Clubs & Fellowship Halls

By its own traditions, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) cannot finance or lend its name to any outside organization, so “clubhouses” for recovering alcoholics sprang up in the 1930s soon after AA’s founding. Initially called “24-Hour Clubs,” and operated apart from AA by recovering alcoholics, these institutions met the need among recovering people and their families for companionship and sober recreation, and soon came to be called “AA’s second miracle.” Alano Clubs are the most common among the thousands of recovery clubs around the world that provide “safe haven” to travelers who are recovered alcoholics and addicts as well as a social hub for the local recovery community.

Local Clubs

The clubs and halls listed below are cooperating with, but are neither a part of. nor affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous®. Its purpose is to provide people in recovery with a safe and clean place to gather for recovery meetings, fellowship, and recreation, in a supportive environment in which people can work at changing their lives.

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